Anty Fung
Aug 13, 20134 min read
魯迅先生在《吶喊》中的《故鄉》末段寫道:「希望本是無所謂有,無所謂無的。這正如地上的路;其實地上本沒有路,走的人多了,也便成了路。」 中國當代藝術,是個偏離千年古典藝術大方向的小伙子。這個天生選擇了「入世」的野孩子自誕生便穿越革命內亂、價值變遷和文化衝擊的年代,跑一條有血有...
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Hello there. Welcome. My name is Anty. This is where I write about fun things and serious thoughts about wine,s, travel, outdoors, art and life in general. I've been blessed to have had my fair share of classic and exotic wine encounters, and travel adventures in both beautiful and bleak destinations. Just trying my best to capture the essence of life in my own quirky, and above all, original way.
In Vinos Felicitas. Memento Vivere.
< In wines there is happiness. Remember to live. >